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April 9, 2020 News from the Board

9 Apr 2020 16:24 | Arturo Santos (Administrator)

First and foremost I want to wish everyone health, safety and patience during these critical times. As security professionals, we know that the best protection against any threat is not to have to face it in the first place, so it’s not hard for us to understand the urgency to maintain social distancing and follow the guidelines to help overcome the COVID-19 infection risk.

Today I also want to share important news:

The (ISC)2 Miami Chapter is now re-energized with new blood in the board! I’m happy to introduce our new board members:

Frank Martinez, who has been an active member since the beginning and instrumental collaborator to help build and maintain the Chapter’s ties to Miami Dade College, and Nova Southeastern University is now the Secretary for the Chapter. Frank is a seasoned security expert, very well-known and respected in the local community.  

Alexander (AJ) Yawn answered our call to volunteer as a board member with a very specific interest in education, when the board met him, more than his credentials and experience, it was his enthusiasm and abundance of ideas that lead an easy decision to name him the new Education Chair.

Learn more about Frank, AJ and the board here:

We had to cancel our March event, but we’ve taken the opportunity to design a new approach to our educational events in a virtual format starting on April 29, 2020 with a very current topic “AWS Security Basics for CyberSecurity Audits” , members will earn CPE’s for participation as long as they register in advance here:

We have also re-engaged (ISC)2 to discuss ideas to help deliver with new means and formats on the vision to inspire a safe and secure cyber world. In particular, we have an on-going conversation with the (ISC)2 Director of Education and the executives of the Profesional Development Institute, to brainstorm ideas and resources, stay tuned for news resulting from these dialogs.

We will continue delivering events in virtual format, especially under the current circumstances, and as always your ideas and recommendations are welcome. Send them to us via email to  

Please remain safe, together we shall overcome.

Thank you!

Arturo Santos


(ISC)2 Miami Chapter   

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